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CalChamber-Opposed Bill Raising Internet Costs Stalls

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have raised internet service costs has stalled in the California Legislature and is likely dead for...

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability

One of our employees with a disability requires a reasonable accommodation. May we choose the reasonable accommodation that we provide? Perhaps. Determining what accommodations, if...

Senate Committee OKs Job Killer Bill Increasing UI Taxes to Pay Striking Workers

A California Chamber of Commerce job killer bill that will increase unemployment insurance (UI) taxes to subsidize striking workers passed a Senate committee this...

Burdensome Utility Ratepayer Bill Fails Again in Senate Committee

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed legislation imposing burdensome and redundant reporting requirements that could lead to privacy concerns for employees failed to pass a Senate...

U.S. Supreme Court Says Lateral Job Transfer Can Be Discriminatory

The U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a decision holding that a lateral job transfer can be discriminatory under Title VII when the transfer brought...

CalChamber Adds Bills to 2024 Job Killer List

This week the California Chamber of Commerce added four bills to its 2024 Job Killer List. They are: • AB 2230 (Bennett; D-Ventura) Worsens Housing Crisis....

CalChamber-Led Coalition Opposing State-Run Health Care System

A large and diverse coalition of 150 California business representatives have joined a CalChamber-led coalition in strong opposition to AB 2200 (Kalra; D-San Jose),...

Many Steps to Consider When Hiring Out-of-State Remote Worker

I run a business in California and would like to hire someone from a different state to work remotely. What, if any, additional steps...

CalChamber-Hosted Luncheon Highlights Friendship, Connections with Canada

Canada’s close and longstanding partnership with the United States was the focus of a California Chamber of Commerce luncheon forum this week featuring Canada...

Norway & California Sign Agreements to Further Climate Collaboration

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway visited California and on April 16 oversaw the signing of two climate change agreements with Governor...