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CalChamber to Host Live Webinar on Local Employment Ordinances

California Chamber of Commerce employment law experts will discuss the trend of California cities and counties enacting ordinances relating to minimum wage, paid sick...

Employer Liability an Issue with State-Run Pension Plan

The California Chamber of Commerce is fighting to protect employers from liability for a state-run retirement savings plan for private employees. As originally established, the...

Seeking Salary History May Be Banned

The California Assembly this week passed a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that exposes employers to costly litigation for inquiring into an applicant’s prior...

Legislative Flurry as Deadlines Near

As Alert went to print, fiscal committees in both houses of the Legislature were scheduled to review numerous bills placed on the suspense files...

Californians Rely on Judicial Branch to Ensure, Protect, Access to Justice

“Separation of powers,” “judicial independence” and “rule of law” are abstract concepts with important implications. At an abstract level, most Americans cannot identify with these...

Steps to Consider When Employee Leaves Behind Personal Belongings

My employee quit without notice and left behind in her office some framed family photos and a few large pieces of artwork. What should...

Positive Drug Test Results Hit 12-Year High

American workers tested positive for illicit drugs at the highest rate in 12 years, according to an analysis of more than 10 million workforce...

Job Creator Workforce Development Bill Moves to Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported education bill aiming to increase the pool of skilled workers has passed the Assembly with unanimous support. AB 669 (Berman;...

Senate Sends Tax Penalty Relief Bill to Assembly

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill providing relief from penalties when a late tax payment is due to the Board of Equalization (BOE) website...