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New Job Killer Bills Threaten Energy Reliability, Increase Permit Costs

The California Chamber of Commerce added two new job killers to its job killer list this week, bringing the total number of job killers...

State Economic Growth Slows; Constraints Include Labor, Housing, Uncertainty

California at Cruise Speed Like the U.S., California’s economy continued to roll forward in the first part of 2017. The unemployment rate edged down, nonfarm...

Time Off for ‘School Appearance Leave’ Applies to All Employers

My administrative assistant just came to me and said she had to leave for the day because she got a call from her son’s...

CalChamber Issues Renewed Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg recently issued a statement renewing the call for comprehensive immigration reform in light of the...

NAFTA Central to Future U.S. Outlook, Global Competitiveness, National Security

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is at the center of the nation’s future economic competitiveness and national security, an international strategist told...

CalChamber Partner in Governor’s Lunch for Mexico Secretary of Foreign Affairs

On Monday, September 11, Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. in partnership with the California Chamber of Commerce, held a luncheon for Mexico Secretary of...

CalChamber Reaffirms Support for U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement

The California Chamber of Commerce reaffirmed support for the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) in a letter sent September 5 to members of the Trump...