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Urge Governor: Veto Leave Mandate for Small Business

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members to ask the Governor to veto a job killer bill mandating that small businesses provide a...

Lawsuit-Encouraging Bill on Governor’s Desk

Legislation making it easier for plaintiffs’ lawyers to file pay equity lawsuits passed the Legislature last week and now awaits action by the Governor. AB...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of September 16, when the Legislature began...

Employing a Minor: Overview of Work Permit, Form I-9 Requirements

What are the work permit and I-9 requirements for employing a minor in California? California Work Permit With limited exceptions, a work permit is required in...

More Speakers Join Public Affairs Lineup

California legislators from both sides of the political aisle have joined the speaker lineup for the California Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Conference, set...

CalChamber Membership Includes Access to Local Ordinances Section on HRCalifornia

Cities and counties in California continue to pass local ordinances affecting businesses. The California Chamber of Commerce has designed a section on to...

Verifying Eligibility to Work and Pending End of ‘Dreamers’ Program

On September 5, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Homeland Security will terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)...

Legislature Sends Workforce Development Bill to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that would help increase California’s skilled workforce by authorizing a competitive grant program has passed the Legislature and...

CalChamber-Backed Bills to Ease Housing Crisis Go to Governor

Several bills supported by the California Chamber of Commerce to encourage local governments to approve new housing projects passed the Legislature on the last...

Parental Leave Mandate for Small Business Passes

A job killer bill mandating a new protected leave of absence for small businesses passed the Legislature this week and is on its way...