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CalChamber Urges Members to Support Modernizing NAFTA

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members to join the coalition of more than 300 state and local chambers from across the United...

Governor Signs Leave Mandate for Small Business, Ban on Salary History Inquiries

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed legislation mandating that small businesses provide a new protected leave of absence. SB 63 (Jackson; D-Santa Barbara) was...

CalChamber Seeking Input on Federal Tax Proposal

The California Chamber of Commerce is seeking member feedback on how the President’s tax proposal will affect their businesses. The framework for the proposal was...

CalChamber Executive Team Change Ahead

Jeanne Cain, executive vice president of policy for the California Chamber of Commerce, has announced that she will be leaving the organization effective February...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Bills to Ease Housing Crisis

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recently signed three California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills to encourage local governments to approve new housing projects. The CalChamber-supported bills...

When Can Worker Decline Family Medical Leave? Subject Untested

Our employee went out on workers’ compensation leave this week and will probably be gone a few months. Should we place him on family...

CalChamber Blog on Canada Border Tour Shares Insights on Security, Trade Logistics

California Chamber of Commerce Vice President of International Affairs Susanne T. Stirling recently joined private and public sector leaders from around the United States,...

Expanded Tax Credit Program Spawns More In-State Film, TV Projects

A 2014 California Chamber of Commerce job creator bill is being credited with encouraging some film and television productions to remain in or return...

State Lawsuit Climate Ties All-Time Low

For the third time since 2012, California’s lawsuit climate ranked No. 47 out of 50 in the national survey by the U.S. Chamber Institute...

CalChamber Goes to D.C. Trade Gathering

The California Chamber of Commerce recently joined nearly 125 trade specialists from across the nation for sessions focused on trade issues at the National...