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Harassment Victims and Employers Need Protection from Defamation Lawsuits

In 2016, 554 Californians filed sexual harassment complaints with the state civil rights agency, and many other employees have complained directly to employers without involving a state agency.

Issues to Consider If You Cut Short a Quitting Employee’s Time at Work

An employee who has been something of a problem for the company came to me today, and stated that she was quitting. She told...

Water Storage Project Funding Requests Fare Better in Second Round of Reviews

The California Water Commission is moving closer to approving requests for funding from Proposition 1, the 2014 ballot measure authorizing $2.7 billion for investments...

Assembly Labor Committee Nixes Flexible Workweek Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill allowing an employee-selected flexible work schedule failed to pass the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee this...

Assembly Committee Rejects Effort to Offer Employers Lawsuit Relief

Two bills named as job creators by the California Chamber of Commerce were rejected by an Assembly committee last week. Both bills would have...

CalChamber Releases 2018 Job Creator List

The California Chamber of Commerce has released its list of job creator bills, calling attention to 11 bills that will stimulate the economy and...

Job Killer Update: CalChamber Identifies Three Additional Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce this week added three more bills to its job killer list, bringing the total number of job killers to...

CalChamber Kills Targeted Tax Proposal in Assembly Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that would have imposed a tax on contractors for the privilege of doing business with the...

Film Tax Credit Bills Pass Legislative Policy Committees

Four California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills passed Assembly and Senate policy committees this week. All four bills extend for another five years California’s...

National Medical Support Notice Requires Timely Response

I received a National Medical Support Notice for one of my employees. What is this notice and how do I respond? A National Medical Support...