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18 CalChamber Member Companies Among Best Workplaces in San Francisco Bay Area

Eighteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies were recently selected as among the “Best Places to Work” in the Bay Area by the San...

CalChamber Urges Congress to Act on North American Free Trade Agreement

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging Congress to approve a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) quickly in the face of multiple...

CalChamber-Sponsored Bill Ends Cycle of Harassment

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that will enable businesses to avoid hiring repeat sexual harassment offenders, ending the cycle of harassment...

CalChamber Urging Fiscal Committees to Keep Job Killer Bills on Hold

The California Chamber of Commerce is asking legislative fiscal committees to stop a number of job killer bills from moving on in the legislative...

Remembering Governor George Deukmejian

Former California Governor George Deukmejian passed away on May 8 at age 89. Deukmejian was Governor from 1983–1991 and served on the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors from 1992–2000.

CalChamber Joins Secretary of State in Unveiling Online Business Filing Tools

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg joined Secretary of State Alex Padilla at a CalChamber news conference

Steps to Follow Before Terminating Underperforming Employee

We have a short-term employee we recently moved into a new position, but he just isn’t “getting it.” His manager wants to terminate him...

State Economy Draws Strength from Trade

As the Trump administration and the 115th Congress now are into their second year, the California Chamber of Commerce continues to communicate its international...

Water Storage Projects Move a Step Closer to Gaining California Bond Funding

Eight of 11 water storage projects seeking funding from a bond measure approved by voters in 2014 advanced to the next phase of the...

Capitol Insider Blog: Insights from CalChamber Policy Advocates

For readers seeking a different perspective on issues under consideration in Sacramento, the California Chamber of Commerce launched the Capitol Insider blog this year. In...