HRCalifornia Now Includes Quick Link to Legislative Action Center

Letting legislators know what you think about proposals being considered is easier than ever using the “Take Legislative Action” link under the “Cases & News” tab on HRCalifornia.

Selecting that link takes the visitor to the Grassroots Action Center where easy-to-edit sample letters are organized by subject, including Labor and Employment, Industrial Safety and Health, Legal Reform and Protection, Recycling, and more.

The California Chamber of Commerce encourages members and others in the business community to make their views known to legislators and other policymakers because contact from a constituent heightens interest in a proposal like no other communication.

Letters (hard copy and electronic), emails, personal calls and visits can be very effective in influencing state policymakers as they develop legislation and regulations.

Hearing directly from you helps guide your elected representatives as they see whether a particular position matches voter opinion in their district.

The active involvement of our members is a critical ingredient in ongoing CalChamber efforts to shape the laws and regulations affecting you. Please take a few minutes to review the letters available and act on those of greatest importance to your company at

Staff Contact: Cathy Mesch