California voters are anxious.
Reports of steady growth and low unemployment cheer political leaders, but voters are disturbed by decaying public order and an unaffordable...
Governor Gavin Newson finished signing/vetoing all bills on October 13. The California Chamber of Commerce was tracking 62 bills on his desk, 32 supported...
Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed job killer legislation last week that threatened California’s water supply, and would have created regulatory uncertainty and litigation.
“SB 1 posed...
An anti-arbitration bill identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job killer will burden the overworked court system if adopted.
AB 51 (Gonzalez;...
With just weeks remaining in the legislative session, twin job killer bills upending how consumer products are packaged and sold in California are being...
Strong advocacy by the California Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with other business groups has led to positive outcomes in several complex regulatory matters.