
Final Paycheck: Employee Pickup or Mail? Answers to FAQs

If an employee quits without giving any notice, I believe I have a window of time to prepare a final paycheck. Does the employee...

Standards Board Moving to Adopt Non-Emergency COVID Regulation

I hear that the Cal/OSHA Standards Board will be presenting for public comment and future adoption a final version of the Emergency Temporary Standards...

Applicant with Criminal History? Follow Process Before Revoking Offer

We ran a criminal background check on a prospective new employee and the check revealed some criminal history. Can we choose to revoke the...

Layoffs Involve Some Strict Rules with a Bit of Employer Discretion

Due to a number of reasons, we are going to have to lay off a few employees. I have heard that there are certain...

Company BBQ: Factors to Consider Before Sending Invites to Employees

We are having an offsite company barbecue this summer. What should I consider before hosting this event? Employer-sponsored social events are a great way to...

Personnel/Payroll Record Requests: Timely Response Important

An employee has asked for a copy of his personnel file and payroll records. What documents is the employee legally entitled to receive? Under California...

California Laws Generally Apply Only within Borders of State

Since the pandemic, my company has been allowing employees to work from home. Without informing our human resources department, several of these employees have...

Steps to Take When Audit Reveals Errors in Completed I-9 Form

I am planning to audit our completed I-9 forms. What do I do if I find errors? Good for you! It is a best practice...

Medical Documentation Requirements for Disability Leaves

If an employee requests a leave of absence as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, can I require medical documentation from their...

Quick Overview of May 6 Version of Emergency COVID Standards

What is happening with Cal/OSHA’s emergency temporary standard for COVID-19? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has adopted the third iteration of the...