
Updates Mandated in 2015 to California Employment Posters, Pamphlets

Are there 2015 poster and pamphlet updates I should know about? Yes. The paid sick leave law signed by the Governor on September 10, 2014, contains...

New Legal Name/Social Security Number Not Good Cause for Firing

What do I do about an employee who comes to me with a new name and a new Social Security number? Can I terminate...

Holiday Pay for Exempt Employees Depends on Employer’s Policy

Does an exempt employee have to be paid for a holiday for which the employer closes? Perhaps. California law does not require an employer to pay...

Paid Family Leave Waiting Period Waived for Delayed Baby Bonding

My employee took a pregnancy disability leave for three months, and then came back to work as soon as she was released by her...

Reasons to Run Consumer Background Check After Making Job Offer

Can we run a consumer background check on an applicant before making a job offer? We would like to screen out applicants before making...

Worker Commute Time Should Be Compensated If Duties Are Performed

I thought an employee’s first commute to work is unpaid, but my employees drive their own vehicles, and deliver tools and equipment to the...

Different Policies for Different Departments Sometimes Acceptable

Our company wants to create different policies for different departments within the company, such as requiring professional business attire for our office employees but...

Bookmark Standards Board Website for Updates on Rulemaking

Being a small manufacturing company with limited resources, how can I determine if and when the Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board is...

No Need to Reverify Expired Green Cards (Permanent Resident Cards)

In auditing our I-9 file, we found that an employee has an expired green card. Can we require that she provide a current card? No....

Makeup Time Sometimes OK for Employees on Alternative Workweek

Is makeup time available to employees working an alternative workweek? Yes, in some instances! Section 513 of the California Labor Code spells out the criteria for...