Labor Law Corner

Daily Overtime Premium Pay Depends on Workday Definition

Last week my company (which operates 24 hours a day) had several employees call out sick at the last minute. As a result, we...

What to Do When Pre-Job Test Shows Rehab Prescription Drug Use

We made a conditional offer of employment to an applicant subject to a pre-employment drug test. His test came back positive for Suboxone. He...

Victims’ Leave Law Creates New Obligations, Expands Others

I am updating our employee handbook and I am confused about the changes to California’s victims’ leave law — what’s new for 2025? Although victim’s...

Factors to Consider When Employee Asks to Extend Family Leave

We have more than one employee who have requested extensions of their family leave (for various reasons). Do we have to grant these extensions,...

How to Deal with Predictive Scheduling and Scheduling Changes

We want to change our non-exempt employee’s schedule for next week. How far in advance do we need to notify the employee of schedule...

Law Now Requires Written Contract for Independent Contractors

Do I need a written contract if I have an independent contractor working for me? In California, the relationship between businesses and independent contractors is...

Paycheck Direct Deposit: Offer, But Don’t Mandate

In 2025, we would like to pay all our employees by direct deposit. We have a couple of employees who do not have direct...

‘Paid Family Leave’ — Who Can Request It; How It Works

I own a small business, and I have an employee who has been with my company for a few months. He came to me...

Don’t Discourage Employee’s Use of California/Federal Family Leave

One of our employees has notified us that he wants to use state/federal family leave in approximately two months when his baby is born....

Making Sense of Minimum Wage Requirements

With different federal, state, local, and industry-specific minimum wage requirements, how do I know if I am properly paying my California employees? The first step...