Cal/OSHA Corner

New Law Requires Awareness Training on Valley Fever Symptoms

I understand the Labor Code has been revised to address an increase in the number of reported cases of Valley Fever since 2016. As...

Guide to Safety/Health Requirements During COVID-19 Outbreak

As an employer, where can I find safety and health information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that is affecting my ability to do business? The...

Changes Brewing in Safety/Health Rules Due to Conformity Mandate

I hear there is a new law revising what is considered a serious injury and the requirements for complaint investigations. What are the changes? As...

Redo of Rules for Fire Fighter Protective Clothing Inching Ahead

What is the status of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board review and revision of the regulations for fire fighters’...

Standards Board Has Multiple Regulatory Changes in Pipeline

As the owner of a small manufacturing business, I would like to know if there are any new regulations being considered by the Occupational...

Cal/OSHA Proposes Rule on Employee Exposure to Wildfire Smoke

I am an employer that has been affected directly by the wildfires in California. What is Cal/OSHA doing to address the issue of employee...

Revised Rules Affect Steel/Concrete, Electrical Work and More

Can you provide a summary of occupational safety rules that went into effect over the last year that haven’t yet been included in a...

Federal OSHA, Cal/OSHA Add Another Layer of Paperwork

Now that I have to file Form 300A electronically, what do I do with the hard copy? The recent requirement to submit Form 300A data...

State Starting to Revise Work Area Access Rules in Response to Feds

Our company is preparing for extensive upgrading of its facilities, including access and work surfaces. Has California’s Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board...

New Rule Bans Retaliatory Drug Testing of Employees Who Report Injury

Our company has a mandatory drug testing policy in the event of an accident/injury. Does the new federal regulation incorporated into the record-keeping requirements...