
Legislature Passes Budget, Clearing Way for Real Negotiations

The Legislature fulfilled its constitutional obligation this week by approving a state budget just ahead of the June 15 deadline. But meeting the formal...

Moderate Democrats Show Influence in Key Economic Recovery Policy Areas

In a democracy, it’s the votes that count. No matter what the polls say before election day, or the pundits say about the make-up...

Secretary Ross Joins CalChamber to Talk on Importance of Food, Ag to State’s Economy

California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross joined the California Chamber of Commerce last week to speak on important issues facing the...

As Economy Lifts Off, Transitory Hiccups in Some Sectors, Inflation Factors to Watch

Overview The parade of robust economic data continues to march onward. The data at the end of the quarter, following the February chill, has been...

Governor Calls for Phase Out of Oil Extraction in State

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a press release announcing he was directing state agencies to phase out new permits for hydraulic fracturing in...

Drought Preparations Picking Up as State Dry Spell Continues with No Relief in Sight

California’s water supply levels are continuing to drop closer to those at the beginning of 2014, which was the start of the last drought...

American Rescue Plan Act Brings More Financial Relief

On March 11, 2021, President Joe Biden signed into law the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), creating a third stimulus package since...

Economic Positives Tempered by Risks Like Virus Uncertainties, Debt Worries

One, Two, Three, Cha Cha Cha No, this is not economics by Arthur Murray, but the process for getting the economy back on track is...

Governor’s Budget Proposes Economic Relief, No New Taxes

Nobody would have been surprised if Governor Gavin Newsom had presented his new state budget wearing a neck brace. The whiplash from budget boom...

To ‘V’ or Not to ‘V,’ That is the Question…

The COVID-19 induced recession of 2020 began with the ferocity of an unexpected tsunami smashing onto the shore—one month the economy was fine, the...