
Court Accepts CalChamber Brief Supporting Vergara Education Case

A friend-of-the-court brief filed by the California Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations supporting the landmark decision in Vergara v. California has been...

CalChamber, Business Groups Urge Appeals Court to Uphold Landmark Education Case

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined with other business organizations to file a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the landmark decision in Vergara v. California. The...

U.S. High Court Upholds Citizen Redistricting

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of Arizona citizens’ decision to have congressional district lines drawn by an independent redistricting commission rather...

CalChamber Welcomes U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Arizona Redistricting Case​​​​​​

The California Chamber of Commerce today applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, et al. “Today’s decision...

Air Board Asks Courts to Create New Tax

In a landmark case before the Third District Court of Appeal, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently argued for creation of an unprecedented...

Chief Justice: Innovations Still Leave Funding Shortfall

California courts are using innovation and efficiencies to provide access to justice in response to recession-based cutbacks, but more funding is needed, California Chief...

Don’t Make One Employer Liable for Another’s Misclassification

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a “friend of the court” brief arguing for the application of the plain meaning of the California...

California Supreme Court Issues Key CEQA Decision

The California Supreme Court ruled this week that evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment does not, in and...

CalChamber Urges State High Court to Review Independent Contractor Test

The California Chamber of Commerce has filed a letter brief with the California Supreme Court urging it to review and decide what test should...

CalChamber, Past Governors Defend Citizen Redistricting

The California Chamber of Commerce, three former California Governors and California redistricting proponents are supporting the constitutionality of an Arizona voter-approved redistricting commission before...