The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

2015 Issues Guide Available on Website

The California Chamber of Commerce 2015 Business Issues and Legislative Guide is available now on the CalChamber website. This easy-to-reference publication compiles background information on...

From HRWatchdog Blog: Bizarre Excuses for Being Late to Work

Every now and then, the morning just doesn’t go right and you wind up running late for work. When asked in a new survey from...

CalChamber, Past Governors Defend Citizen Redistricting

The California Chamber of Commerce, three former California Governors and California redistricting proponents are supporting the constitutionality of an Arizona voter-approved redistricting commission before...

19 Women on Fortune Most Powerful List Lead CalChamber Member Companies

Four out of the top five executives on Fortune magazine’s latest ranking of the 50 most powerful women in business lead California Chamber of...

Task Force Invites Businesses to Revitalize Civic Education

California businesses throughout the state are invited to learn how they can help K-12 students prepare for success in college, career, civic life, and...

Governor’s Budget Plan Saves, Pays Down Debt

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has outlined a “carefully balanced” budget plan for 2015–16, demonstrating his commitment to keep the state on a steady...

Pictorial Roster of Officers/Legislature

Pictorial rosters of the California Legislature and Congress are available as downloadable PDFs. A limited number of hard copies of the pictorial roster of the...

2014 Major Victories

Please click "2014 Major Victories" for the PDF version.  

CalChamber Cosponsoring Cyber Security Education in Sacramento

Representatives from the FBI, Attorney General’s Office, Federal Trade Commission and other groups will explain how small businesses and consumers can make their digital...

GO-Biz Hosting Workshops on How to Apply for Tax Credit

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is hosting free workshops around the state and a webinar on how to apply for...

Governor Proposes ‘Carefully Balanced’ Budget

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released what he described as a “carefully balanced” budget plan for 2015–16 that allocates portions of increased state...

Governor Outlines Agenda for Final Term in Office

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Monday was sworn in for an unprecedented fourth term and combined his inaugural address with his annual State...

Advocacy Return on Investment

Please click "Advocacy Return on Investment" for the PDF version.

Nursery, Landscaping Company Owner Fights for Business

For more than 10 years, Scott Miller has worked with the Fresno Chamber of Commerce to give the small business perspective on local and...

Cyber Security Education in Sacramento

Consumers and businesses can learn about adding layers of security to everyday online activities at a January 29 event in Sacramento co-sponsored by the...

California Ranks as No. 2 ‘Judicial Hellhole’

California was identified as the No. 2 “Judicial Hellhole” in the nation, after two years of taking the No. 1 spot, in the latest...