The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Budget Trailer Proposal Brings Job Killer List to 21

The California Chamber of Commerce this week added a budget trailer proposal to its job killer list, bringing the total number of job killers...

CalChamber Takes Positions on November Measures

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors recently took positions on the following two initiatives proposed for the November 2016 ballot: Oppose Prop. 30...

College Prep, Graduation Rates Get Education Committee Attention

The CalChamber Education Committee hears from Michal Kurlaender, associate professor and chair of the Graduate Group in Education at the University of California, Davis...

Water Storage Flexibility, Conservation Get Committee Review

Stan Van Vleck, co-chair of the CalChamber Water Committee, and Valerie Nera, CalChamber policy advocate for water, get an update on the status of...

Political Professor Handicaps U.S. Senate, Presidential Races

Jack Pitney, professor of American politics at Claremont McKenna College, presents to the CalChamber Board of Directors on May 18 his analysis of potential...

Former Finance Director Reviews Budget Cycles for CalChamber Board

Michael C. Genest, director of the California Department of Finance during the Schwarzenegger administration and founder of Capitol Matrix Consulting, walks the CalChamber Board...

Agency Official Explains How State Measures ‘Pollution Burden’

Arsenio Mataka, assistant secretary for environmental justice and tribal affairs in the California Environmental Protection Agency, explains to the CalChamber Environmental Policy Committee on...

CalChamber Takes Positions on November Measures

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors recently took positions on the following two initiatives proposed for the November 2016 ballot: Oppose Prop. 30...

91st Sacramento Host Breakfast: Zigzag Business Cycles, Long-Term View Wide-Ranging Topics for Annual Gathering

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and California Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Michael W. Murphy shared their perspectives on the state’s accomplishments and challenges...

May Budget Revision: Amid Declining Revenue Growth, Governor Holds Spending Line, Makes Saving a Priority

On May 13, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released his May Revision to the California state budget. In addition to the budget numbers, graphs...

Remarks by Michael W. Murphy: Engaged Leadership, Long-Term View Can Make California Very Best It Can Be

Following are remarks presented by Michael W. Murphy, 2016 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 91st Annual Sacramento...

Pollster Dave Sackett Covers Elections, Voting Trends at Capitol Summit

Strategic consultant and pollster Dave Sackett, The Tarrance Group, shares insight on presidential candidates and the math of voter demographics at the CalChamber Capitol...

Capitol Press Corps Veterans Assess Initiative Outlook, Elections

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg (left) moderates as Juliet Williams, state government and politics editor for The Associated Press, and John Myers, Sacramento...

Environmental, Employment Job Killers in Spotlight at Capitol Summit

CalChamber Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera gives a recap of high-profile pending legislative affecting scheduling and arbitration agreements at the CalChamber Capitol Summit on May...

Small Business Advocate of the Year: CalChamber Recognizes Business Executives from Corona, Fresno, Ripon

The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Corona, Fresno, and Ripon this week with its 2016 Small Business Advocate of the Year...

May Budget Revision: Amid Declining Revenue Growth, Governor Holds Line on Spending, Makes Saving a Priority

On Friday, Governor  Edmund G. Brown Jr. released his May Revision to the California state budget. In addition to the budget numbers, graphs and...

Overview of June Ballot Measure

Following is a brief summary of the measure that will appear on the June ballot. The California Chamber of Commerce has no position on...