The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

CalChamber Board Votes to Oppose Three States Initiative, Gas Tax Repeal

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has voted to oppose the three states initiative and the voter approval for increases in gas...

CalChamber Opposition Stops Job Killers

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce helped stop three more job killer bills from continuing past the Assembly Appropriations Committee last week. Held...

Strategic Plans, Partnerships Key to Success in Handling Critical Infrastructure Issues

Following are remarks presented by Terry MacRae, 2018 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 93rd Annual Sacramento Host...

CalChamber Recognizes Business Leaders from Chico, Torrance

The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Chico and Torrance last week with its 2018 Small Business Advocate of the Year Award...

28 Local Chambers Receive 2018 President’s Circle Award

The California Chamber of Commerce has named 28 local chambers of commerce to receive the 2018 President’s Circle Award. The award, first presented in 2009,...

Capitol Insider Blog Posts Examine Styrofoam, Corporate Board Quotas

Two recent posts, reprinted below, examine the politics behind styrofoam container legislation and a proposal to set a quota of women members for the...

Governor’s Revised Budget Plan Saves Money for Rainy Day; No New Taxes

Last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released a revised version of his state budget proposal for 2018–19. The Governor’s final budget continues to...

18 CalChamber Member Companies Among Best Workplaces in San Francisco Bay Area

Eighteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies were recently selected as among the “Best Places to Work” in the Bay Area by the San...

CalChamber Urging Fiscal Committees to Keep Job Killer Bills on Hold

The California Chamber of Commerce is asking legislative fiscal committees to stop a number of job killer bills from moving on in the legislative...

Remembering Governor George Deukmejian

Former California Governor George Deukmejian passed away on May 8 at age 89. Deukmejian was Governor from 1983–1991 and served on the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors from 1992–2000.

CalChamber Joins Secretary of State in Unveiling Online Business Filing Tools

California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg joined Secretary of State Alex Padilla at a CalChamber news conference

Capitol Insider Blog: Insights from CalChamber Policy Advocates

For readers seeking a different perspective on issues under consideration in Sacramento, the California Chamber of Commerce launched the Capitol Insider blog this year. In...