Julie A. Su, the Governor’s Cabinet adviser on labor issues and employment programs, will deliver the luncheon keynote address at the California Chamber of Commerce 2019 HR Symposium on November 8.
The day-long event at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach will feature California-specific compliance insights on topics ranging from hiring in a competitive market to emerging workplace issues and investigations related to the #MeToo movement.
As Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Su oversees the state departments and boards that enforce labor laws, including minimum wage and occupational safety standards; provide state disability and unemployment insurance benefits; fund workforce training and apprenticeship programs; combat wage theft; protect injured workers; and arbitrate public sector contract disputes.
She served as California Labor Commissioner from 2011 through 2018, enforcing the state’s labor laws to ensure a fair and just workplace for both employees and employers.
“Secretary Su brings a wealth of knowledge and a keen understanding of California’s complex labor and employment laws,” says Erika Frank, CalChamber executive vice president and general counsel. “Her insights will be both illuminating and invaluable to symposium attendees.”
Symposium Agenda
The full day will open with an HR networking breakfast buffet, followed by expanded sessions on California workplace and compliance challenges:
• Emerging Workplace Issues in the Wake of #MeToo. Jennifer Shaw, founder of the Shaw Law Group, and Lisa Buehler, counsel, Shaw Law Group, will tackle emerging issues employers face in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Even with positive changes resulting from heightened awareness about sexual harassment, confusion and fear among employees are the new normal.
• Who, What and Wear of Dress Codes in the Workplace. Lisa V. Ryan, partner, Cook Brown LLP, and Erika Frank, CalChamber executive vice president and general counsel, will focus on trends, court decisions and new laws affecting workplace dress and appearance.
• Drug Use in the Workplace—It’s Not Just About Marijuana Anymore. Patricia A. Matias, shareholder, Ogletree Deakins, will speak to the concerns employers have about maintaining a drug-free workplace without encroaching on the rights of employees.
• Effective Hiring Strategies in a Competitive Market. Scott Dicke, director of permanent services — VP of Robert Half Finance & Accounting, and Vinny Catalano, senior vice president of Gallagher Benefit Services, will share strategies for attracting top candidates in today’s very competitive job market.
Register Today
The cost of admission is $499 ($399.20 for CalChamber Preferred/Executive members).
The event is approved for California recertification credits through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI), Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), and Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credits.
To register or for more information, visit www.calchamber.com/hrsym2019 or call (800) 331-8877.