Tag: Video

Capitol Report: ‘Job Killer’ Undermines Prop. 13 Protections, Would Raise Costs for Small Businesses

A recently amended “job killer,” SCA 5 (Hancock; D-Berkeley)/Mitchell; D-Los Angeles), now seeks to undermine the protections of Proposition 13 by unfairly targeting commercial...

Californians Show Grit, Imagination in Hard Times

The ability of Californians to respond to challenges with imagination and innovation was a recurring theme in remarks at the 90th Annual Sacramento Host...

Attorney General Harris Lauds ROI of Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships are essential to bringing up-to-date technology to law enforcement efforts, California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris told a California Chamber of Commerce...

Innovations Transform State Economy to Open Doors to a Better California

Following are remarks presented by Joseph M. Otting, 2015 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 90th Annual Sacramento...

CalChamber Recognizes Lodi, Torrance Business Owners

The California Chamber of Commerce honored business owners from Lodi and Torrance last week with its “2015 Small Business Advocate of the Year” award,...

Chief Justice: Innovations Still Leave Funding Shortfall

California courts are using innovation and efficiencies to provide access to justice in response to recession-based cutbacks, but more funding is needed, California Chief...

CalChamber Capitol Report: Assembly Committee Passes Double Holiday Pay Bill

The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee this week approved a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill requiring double pay for work on certain days. During testimony...

CalChamber Capitol Report: California, U.S. Set New Export Record

Newly released trade statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce revealed another record-breaking year in exports for California and the United States. “With more than...