Tag: Video

Chamber Celebrates Teichert as First 100-Year Member

The California Chamber of Commerce proudly honors Teichert, a distinguished leader in the construction and construction materials industries, as its first-ever 100-year member. This...

Find Common Ground, Path to Solutions to Produce Long-Term Success for All

Following are remarks presented by Gregory S. Bielli, 2023 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 97th Annual Sacramento...

Work Together, Think Differently to Tackle State’s Complex, Exponential Challenges

Following are remarks presented by Kailesh Karavadra, 2022 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 96th Annual Host Breakfast...

CalChamber Cites Key Policy Elements for Recycling in a Circular Economy

Working to find a comprehensive solution to recycling and packaging concerns is a goal shared by the California Chamber of Commerce and its members. That...

Housing Crisis Challenge Gets Attention at Breakfast

The housing challenge facing California was one focus of remarks by Governor Gavin Newsom and California Chamber of Commerce Chair Grace Evans Cherashore at...

Collaboration Can Solve State Challenges, Expand Housing, Economic Opportunities

Following are remarks presented by Grace Evans Cherashore, 2019 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 94th Annual Sacramento...

Finance Director Presents Budget Proposal Highlights

We are in extraordinary times right now, but that is punctuated by a lot of uncertainty, California Finance Director Keely Martin Bosler commented this week to a luncheon audience of more than 100 business leaders at the California Chamber of Commerce

CalChamber White Paper Recaps New Laws for 2019

The California Chamber of Commerce has released the list of new employment laws scheduled to take effect in 2019 and later that will affect...

Just 1 Job Killer Remains

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and its allies in the closing days of the legislative session prevented one energy-related job killer...

Lead Paint Liability Expansion Passes First Committee in Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that significantly expands public nuisance liability in California passed a Senate policy committee this week. The CalChamber opposes AB...