Tag: Groundwater

No-Growth Job Killer Dies

A job killer proposal to place no-growth language in the state Constitution that will in effect stop development has been stopped for the year. In...

Report Summarizes California’s Water Year, Urges Better Water Management

“Californians are being asked to strike a strange balance between being prepared for both biblical droughts and unprecedented deluges. The happy medium—never a common experience for the state—is shrinking,” states Letitia Grenier, director of the PPIC Water Policy Center.

Bills Threaten to Destabilize State’s Water Rights System

Four bills that threaten to destabilize California’s water rights system and revoke rights upon which communities have relied for decades are moving in the...

Executive Action Directs Storm Flows to Recharge Groundwater

California’s recent storms have pounded the state, quickly moving the state from extreme drought to flood conditions. Since January, California has seen repeated flooding...

Opposition in Final Days of Legislative Session Stops Onerous Requirements for Businesses

In the closing days of the legislative session, strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and allied groups, including many local chambers of...

Climate Change Job Killer Bills: 1 Stopped; 1 Goes to Governor

On the final day of the session, Assembly members heeded the concerns raised by the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of more...

$5.1 Billion Drought/ Water Infrastructure Plan Includes Water Supply/Reliability

Governor Gavin Newsom on May 10 unveiled a $5.1 billion plan for California’s water infrastructure, drought response and preparations for a “climate resilient system.” In...

Ready or Not, Here It Comes—State Groundwater Regulation

January 31, 2020 marks the first time in California’s history that groundwater will be regulated. Twenty-one critically overdrafted groundwater basins must submit detailed plans showing...

Water Storage Projects Move a Step Closer to Gaining California Bond Funding

Eight of 11 water storage projects seeking funding from a bond measure approved by voters in 2014 advanced to the next phase of the...

Water Storage Project Funding Requests Fare Better in Second Round of Reviews

The California Water Commission is moving closer to approving requests for funding from Proposition 1, the 2014 ballot measure authorizing $2.7 billion for investments...