Tag: Climate Change

Smart Choices Balance Climate Change, Renewables, and Energy Stability

California energy policy is a complex interaction of economics, technological challenges, and environmental considerations, all of which must work together to create a reliable...

Legislative Analyst: Rely More on Most Cost-Effective Climate Strategies

Relying more on the most cost-effective greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies was recommended last month by the California Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO). In its annual...

Governor Signs Bill on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will improve accessibility of Greenhouse Gas Fund-eligible projects. The bill, AB 1237 (Aguiar-Curry;...

Legislature Sends 3 Job Creator Bills to Governor

Three bills identified by the California Chamber of Commerce as job creators passed the Legislature this year and await action by the Governor. The...

Importance of Tourism, Trade, Other Issues Take Center Stage at International Forum

California’s top issues, including tourism’s impact on the state, and federal initiatives to facilitate Indo-Pacific trade, took center stage at the California Chamber of...

Job Creator Fostering Technological Innovation Wins OK from Assembly Fiscal Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that encourages technological innovation passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee this week with bipartisan support. AB 1195 (O’Donnell;...

Amendments Put Balance in Former Job Killer Bill

Legislation that began as a targeted mandate increasing transportation costs has been amended at the urging of the California Chamber of Commerce and its...

CalChamber Releases List of 2019 Job Creator Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce this week released its list of job creator bills, calling attention to nine bills that will stimulate the economy...

Committee Votes to Hike Transportation Costs, Discourage Investment in Cleaner Technology

The Senate Environmental Quality Committee this week approved a job killer bill based on misconceptions of the diesel freight industry. SB 44 (Skinner; D-Berkeley) will...

A Different Kind of Carbon Tax

My primary policy areas at the California Chamber of Commerce are privacy and tax. Yet, when I heard there was going to be a...