What is the status of changes to the Cal/OSHA regulation for construction in confined spaces?
A hearing has been held on proposed revisions, but the...
The state Office of Administrative Law (OAL) has approved the Cal/OSHA regulations to protect employees working indoors from heat illness. The regulations went into...
Last week, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board adopted the long-awaited regulations to protect employees working indoors from heat illness.
The California Legislature had directed the California...
The proposed regulation to prevent heat illness in indoor workplaces awaits an uncertain fate at the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) following a tempestuous...
What is Cal/OSHA doing for workers who deal with manufactured artificial stone?
On December 14, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board adopted an...
On February 15, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board passed a sweeping update to California’s lead regulation despite heavy concerns of feasibility and inaccurate cost estimates...
With this week’s amendments and the upcoming hearing in the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, it’s worth taking another look at SB 553 (Cortese;...
In Episode 178 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts sits down with CalChamber Policy Advocate Robert Moutrie to discuss the...
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has started the formal rulemaking phase of its work on developing regulations to prevent heat...