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State Meal/Rest Rules Don’t Apply to Truck Drivers Subject to U.S. Law

I own a trucking company and my drivers are covered by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. I know they are not covered by California’s...

Remembering Allan Zaremberg

Allan Zaremberg, CalChamber President and CEO from 1998–2021, passed away on February 4 after dealing with a series of recent health challenges. He was...

California Law Helping Workers File Labor Claims Needs Reform

Eight billion dollars. That’s the amount of money trial attorneys have leveraged from California employers over the last six years in Private Attorneys General...

CalChamber Webinar to Explain Complex California Recycling Laws

The CalChamber will be hosting a webinar explaining all the recycling compliance mandates following the passage of last year’s circular economy law, SB 54...

Budget: CalChamber Supports CalCompetes Tax Credit

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting the Governor’s budget proposal to provide $120 million to fund a third year of the California Competes...

Budget: CalChamber Backs Film/TV Tax Credit

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting the Governor’s budget proposal to extend the film and television tax credit, which has proven effective at...

Rex S. Hime, Former President/CEO California Business Properties Assn.

The California Chamber of Commerce joins the business community, friends and family in mourning the loss of Rex S. Hime, who served as president...

11th Annual Pan African Global Conference to Return to Sacramento

The Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference will return to Sacramento, California from April 26 – 27. The 11th Pan African Global Trade...

Agencies Grant More Time to Review Fire Hazard Zones

At the urging of a California Chamber of Commerce-led coalition, state agencies have extended the time they will take comments on a recently released...

Budget: CalChamber Backs COVID Sick Leave Grants

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting the Governor’s budget proposal to allocate $250 million for relief grants to help small businesses and nonprofits...