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Top-Two Primary Reform Promising

The recent Institute of Governmental Studies post-election seminar in which I was a panelist produced a few news stories and a mountain of academic...

Correcting Underpayment in Paychecks ASAP May Limit Penalties

Due to an error with our payroll system, one of our employees was accidentally underpaid on the last payday. How can we correct this?...

Use of AB 60 Driver License to Meet Form I-9 Requirements

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office (USCIS) has released two FAQs about whether the AB 60 driver license may be an acceptable identity...

West Coast Port Operations Pick Up Speed Pending Ratification of New Contract

Activity at ports in California and elsewhere on the West Coast was brisk this week following the announcement last Friday of a tentative five-year...

CalChamber Capitol Report: California, U.S. Set New Export Record

Newly released trade statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce revealed another record-breaking year in exports for California and the United States. “With more than...

CalChamber Perspective on Top Two Reform

The recent Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) post­election seminar in which I was a panelist produced a few news stories and a mountain of...

Water Security Coalition Promotes Fixing Aging Distribution System

The California Chamber of Commerce is one of the initial partners in a new coalition that is working to promote the Governor’s proposed fix...

Light Snowpack Spotlights Need for Water Storage

The latest winter survey finding a “scant snowpack” and subsequent prediction that California’s drought will continue for the fourth consecutive year underline the state’s...

CalChamber Urges State to Fight Lawsuit Attacking Prop. 65 Lead Standard

The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of businesses and trade associations are urging the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment...

2015 Issues Guide Available on Website

The California Chamber of Commerce 2015 Business Issues and Legislative Guide is available now on the CalChamber website. This easy-to-reference publication compiles background information on...