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California Supreme Court Issues Key CEQA Decision

The California Supreme Court ruled this week that evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment does not, in and...

CalChamber Names Santa Clara Chamber Exec as Silicon Valley/Bay Area Rep Starting April 1

Steve Van Dorn, president/CEO of the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce & Convention-Visitors Bureau, will be leaving that post to join the California Chamber...

Off the Wall Photo Contest Winners

The California Chamber of Commerce has named the winning entries in the Off the Wall Photo Contest. A strong field of 54 contestants submitted photos...

Personal Protective Equipment Standards Get California Update

Have there been any recent revisions to the General Industry Safety Orders, Article 10, Personal Protective Equipment? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, in...

Port Slowdown Highlights Need for Passage of Trade Promotion Authority

The recent port slowdown made headlines across the country and is estimated to have cost the national economy about $2 billion a day. And,...

CalChamber Member Companies Among Fortune Magazine’s 50 Best Workplaces

Seven California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been ranked among the “50 Best Small and Medium-Size Companies to Work For” by Fortune magazine. Small...

IRS Offering Taxpayer Appointments

Three IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers in California are among 44 nationwide that are offering appointments for businesses seeking help. The IRS is testing the appointment...

Legislative Session Opens at Usual Pace; Action Around the Corner

Last Friday was the first milestone in what is expected to be an active legislative session—the deadline for legislators to introduce bills to be...

CalChamber, Coalition Aim to Fix Aging Water System

The California Chamber of Commerce and a new coalition are working to promote the Governor’s proposed fix to the state’s aging water distribution system. The...

CalChamber Urges State High Court to Review Independent Contractor Test

The California Chamber of Commerce has filed a letter brief with the California Supreme Court urging it to review and decide what test should...