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State Economy Strengthens in Face of Port, Drought, Domestic Outmigration Challenges

While most key economic reports have continued to show strength, commodity prices and the financial markets have clearly felt the sting from the cold...

Time Off to Care for Healthy Child Not Covered Under Family Leave Act

My company has more than 50 employees, and one of the employees, who is Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)/California Family Rights Act (CFRA) eligible,...

Heat Illness Rules: More Changes Coming; CalChamber Seeks Clarification of Terms

The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board has adopted changes to California’s unique heat illness prevention regulations. The Cal/OSHA Standards Board...

13 CalChamber Member Companies Land on ‘Best Places to Work’ in Sacramento List

Thirteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies were chosen by the Sacramento Business Journal as some of the best places to work in the Sacramento...

Normalized Relations with Cuba Could Open Trade Opportunities for U.S., State

The potential for changed relations with Cuba to open economic and trade opportunities for U.S. and California companies was the subject of a lively...

Economist Recaps Impact of High Costs on California Middle Class

Kevin Klowden, managing director of the California Center at the Milken Institute, reviews with the CalChamber Board of Directors a variety of statistics on...

CalChamber President, Policy Advocate to Speak at UI Conference

Two California Chamber of Commerce staff members are part of the speaker line-up for a national conference on unemployment insurance (UI) issues in June. CalChamber...

Water Commission Chair Discusses Drought, Storage with CalChamber

Joseph Byrne, chair of the California Water Commission, gives an overview of the impact of the drought (now in its fourth year) and the...

CalChamber Education Committee Weighs Priorities for Coming Year

Dr. Brice Harris, CalChamber Education Committee co-chair and chancellor of the California Community Colleges, leads a March 5 discussion on committee priorities for the...

CalChamber Aims to Reduce Unneeded Prop. 65 Warnings

The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of small businesses, trade associations and local chambers are supporting a bill that promotes using...