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Bill with Multiple Tax Hikes Passes Senate Policy Panel

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer proposing multiple tax hikes on state employers, making California even less competitive, passed the Senate Governance and...

Assembly Committee Reviewing Fiscal Implications of Immigration Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that puts employers in a no-win situation between federal immigration enforcement and state enforcement was put on hold...

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Readers looking for an easy way to stay up-to-date on proposed state and federal laws or regulations of interest to employers can download the...

CalChamber Appeals Court Decision Upholding Cap-and-Trade Revenues

The California Chamber of Commerce this week petitioned the California Supreme Court to review the split decision by the 3rd District Court of Appeal...

Local Ordinances Add Variety to Minimum Wage Requirements

We have employees working a few hours a week in multiple cities and counties. The hours vary so much that we decided to just...

IRS Announces 2018 Health Savings Account Limits

The Internal Revenue Service has announced the annual limits for Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions for 2018. These limits are indexed for inflation and...

CalChamber Joins Trade-Focused Summit in Washington, D.C.

The California Chamber of Commerce recently joined 40 trade specialists from across the nation for sessions focused on trade policy at the annual Spring...

Governor’s May Budget Revise Continues to Hold Line on Spending

Last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released a revised budget plan for 2017–18 that continues to restrain new spending. The Governor warned that...

Tourism Spending Grows for 7th Year in Row

California’s travel industry grew for the seventh consecutive year since the 2007–2009 recession, according to a May report prepared for Visit California and the...

Action Needed: Stop Costly, State-Run Health Care

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging members to speak out against a costly job killer proposal to establish a government-run, single-payer health care...