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CalChamber-Sponsored Bill Advances in Assembly

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that codifies case law to ensure victims of sexual harassment and employers are not sued for...

CalChamber Stops 4 Job Killers, Gets Changes to Remove Tag from Another

Four California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills are likely dead for the session, having failed to advance to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for...

California Supreme Court Adopts New Test for Deciding Independent Contractor Status

The California Supreme Court has issued its much-anticipated decision on which test should be applied when determining whether an individual is an employee or...

How to Analyze Time Off Options for Employee at Small Company

We are a small company of 29 employees. Do we have to provide time off work for an employee to care for her daughter? The...

Overview of June Ballot Measures

Following are brief summaries of the five measures that will appear on the June 5 primary election ballot. The reasons for the California Chamber...

California-Mexico Partnership Luncheon Features Innovations in Energy, Education

Energy projects that are helping foster innovations in California and Mexico were highlighted this week at an international luncheon forum co-hosted by the California...

Flexible Scheduling Job Creator Bill Misses Deadline

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill to improve employee flexibility has missed the deadline to move from the Assembly policy committee to...

Voting Season Begins May 7; Key Dates to Remember

Voting for California’s primary election will begin on May 7, the first day to vote by mail. Five counties in Northern California will be conducting...

Assembly Judiciary Passes CalChamber-Opposed Bills

California Chamber of Commerce policy advocates this week highlighted for the Assembly Judiciary Committee problems with two employment-related bills. Even so, on April 24 the...

CalChamber-Backed Regulatory Reform Bills Pass Assembly Committee

Three California Chamber of Commerce-supported regulatory reform bills passed the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee this week with bipartisan support. • AB 2087 (Waldron;...