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Voters Agree with CalChamber on Props. 68, 69, 71 and 72; Prop. 70 Trailing

California voters agreed with California Chamber of Commerce positions this week, passing CalChamber-supported Propositions 68, 69, 71 and 72. CalChamber-supported Proposition 70 was behind...

Five Job Creator Bills Advance in Legislature

As of the June 1 deadline for bills to pass the house in which they were introduced, five California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator...

Businesses Can Help California Schools Train Students for ‘New Collar’ Jobs

The key to California’s long-term economic growth can be found in the classroom.

How to Pay Employee Who Hasn’t Completed Tax Withholding Forms

If an employee quits after working only a day or two, and before completing a W-4 tax withholding form, can we just pay him...

Opposition Stops Retroactive Liability for Product Manufacturers, Distributors

A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce has stopped legislation that would have created an extraordinary new scheme of product liability resulting...

CalChamber-Backed Bills to Help Ease Housing Crisis Pass

Both houses of the Legislature last week approved California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will help ease the state’s housing crisis. Moving from the Assembly...

CalChamber Opposition Stops Mandate on Beverage Container Caps

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of employer groups, industry associations and local chambers of commerce stopped a...

Costly Labeling Mandate for Microfiber Products Fails to Move

Opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and industry groups has stopped an attempt to impose new and costly labeling requirements on polyester microfiber...

Governor, CalChamber Chair Stress Infrastructure Needs

The need for California to invest in infrastructure to continue advancing was a recurring theme in remarks by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and...