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Coalition Fights Expansion of Employment Litigation

The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition of employer groups and local chambers of commerce are opposing a job killer bill that...

Hospital Contract Bill Amended to Remove Opposition

As a result of recent amendments, the California Chamber of Commerce has removed SB 538 (Monning; D-Carmel), dealing with hospital contracts, from the job...

California Court of Appeal Upholds Lead Safe Harbor Under Proposition 65

The legal fight over the validity of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) “safe harbor” for lead may finally be over for...

Caveats on Deducting from Exempt Employee’s Salary for Sick Time

An exempt employee has missed two days of work this week because she was sick, but she has used all her sick leave. Can...

CalChamber Policy Advocates Beat the Odds

You had a better chance of hitting 00 on the roulette wheel than killing a bill in the first house of the Legislature this...

Governor Signs Bill Clarifying Cleaning Product Right to Know Act

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week signed a California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that clarifies the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act approved...

CalChamber-Opposed Bill Will Increase Energy Costs

Legislation that will lead to increased energy costs has passed the Senate, is under consideration in the Assembly and is opposed by the California...

Lead Paint Liability Expansion Passes First Committee in Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that significantly expands public nuisance liability in California passed a Senate policy committee this week. The CalChamber opposes AB...

Local Ordinance Changes in Minimum Wage and More Coming July 1

Throughout California, local cities and counties continue to pass ordinances relating to minimum wage, paid sick leave, criminal background checks and more. On July...

Opposition Stops Job Killer; 5 Bills Pass to Second House

A wage statement penalty bill opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job killer was stopped in the Assembly last week. June 1...