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CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of July 6, when the Legislature began...

Smelly Smoker Can Be Cause for Discipline, But Remember Other Rights

Our employee is a smoker and comes in from breaks reeking of cigarette smoke. What can I do? Also, can I ask applicants if...

CalChamber Outlines Positions to Date on November Ballot Propositions

So far, the California Chamber of Commerce has taken positions on six of the 12 propositions that will appear on the November ballot. Below is...

$5.6 Billion in California Exports Target of Trade Retaliation for U.S. Import Tariffs

California exports of more than $5.6 billion are the targets of retaliatory tariffs from major trading partners in response to new U.S. tariffs on...

Congress Quietly Renews Key Tool to Speed Approval of Trade Deals

Trade promotion authority (TPA) was renewed for another three years by Congress on July 1, continuing until 2021 the important process to speed negotiation...

CalChamber-Backed Bills Part of Budget Package

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week signed his final budget, a package that includes three California Chamber of Commerce-supported budget trailer bills which...

Employment-Related Job Killers Move to Assembly Fiscal Committee

The Assembly Judiciary Committee this week sent to the fiscal committee two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills dealing with employment-related matters. One...

Senate Committees OK Conflicting Mandate, Pathway to Litigation for State Employers

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill creating another pathway of costly litigation against employers won approval by two Senate policy committees this week. AB 3081...

Does School Activities Leave Law Include High School Graduation?

Do I have to allow my employee to attend her grandson’s high school graduation? We approved her request 2 months ago but now we...

NLRB Poised to Revisit Joint Employer Standard

As the saying goes, history often repeats itself as the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) demonstrates. In May, NLRB Chairman John F. Ring announced...