
Pro-Jobs Candidates Gain Victories in November Legislative Races

Business groups scored significant wins Tuesday night in a number of hotly contested and very competitive legislative races from around the state. Candidates from...

Report: State Water Conservation Rate Declines, Despite Continued Drought

Water conservation efforts in the state leveled off in September after a steady rise since May, according to a new report presented to the...

CalChamber Vote Record: Major Bills 2014

This report for the second year of the 2013–2014 legislative session focuses on California legislators’ floor votes on California Chamber of Commerce priority bills. This...

CalChamber Best Business Votes

Legislators are listed in descending order according to how often they voted in accord with the California Chamber of Commerce position (first number) versus...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Get Signatures, Win Vetoes

Legislation strongly opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce has been signed by the Governor, who also agreed with CalChamber opposition in vetoing other...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Education Bills

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a number of California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will encourage more students to enroll in computer...

Final Status Report on Major Business Bills

The following list summarizes the final status of priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce that were sent to the Governor this year,...

CalChamber Supports Propositions 1 and 2

Yes to Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Reserve The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 on the November general election ballot. Proposition...

Governor Signs Two Job Creator Bills

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills. On September 18, the Governor signed AB 1839 (Gatto; D-Los...

Call for Veto of ‘Job Killer’ Imposing New Liabilities

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging all businesses to send a letter to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. asking that he veto AB...