Occupational Safety

Workplace Violence Rule: CalChamber Urges Changes

Cal/OSHA held the first open discussion of its workplace violence safety regulation for general industry at an all-day advisory committee meeting on January 24. A...

Indoor Heat Rule Moves to Next Step After Unusual Cal/OSHA Board Vote

The proposed regulation to prevent heat illness in indoor workplaces awaits an uncertain fate at the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) following a tempestuous...

Cal/OSHA Passes Aggressive Update to Lead Regulation

On February 15, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board passed a sweeping update to California’s lead regulation despite heavy concerns of feasibility and inaccurate cost estimates...

Workplace Violence Bill Is Unworkable for Small Employers

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that increases business costs and establishes a one-size-fits-all workplace violence regulation on all California employers was sent to...

SB 553 Impact Touches Every Industry in California

With this week’s amendments and the upcoming hearing in the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee, it’s worth taking another look at SB 553 (Cortese;...

Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Regulations, Status of SB 553 Workplace Violence Rules

In Episode 178 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts sits down with CalChamber Policy Advocate Robert Moutrie to discuss the...

Cal/OSHA COVID Rule Shifts to ‘Non-Emergency’

After years of rapid change, the potentially final form of California’s COVID-19 regulation has been filed with the Secretary of State and went into...

CalChamber Calls for Changes to Nonemergency COVID Draft Rule

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board’s draft proposal to extend the state’s COVID-19 regulation for another two years — with some significant changes from the COVID-19...

Update on COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rules

In Episode 141 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber policy advocate Robert Moutrie give an update on the...

Proposal Allows Cal/OSHA to Sidestep Fiscal Review

Workplace rules would be allowed to skip past critical analysis of their fiscal and other effects if legislation pending before the Assembly becomes law. SB...