
Use Caution When Granting Family Leave Before Employee Is Eligible

My employee wants to take 12 weeks off for child bonding, but he has worked for us for only 11 months so he’s not...

Standards Board Keeps Moving on Proposed Indoor Heat Illness Standard

What is the status of Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention standard? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will soon hear the second revision of...

Workers’ Comp: Pay for Follow-Up Doctor’s Appointments Not Required

My employee sustained an injury on the job a few months ago. He is claiming that we have to pay for his doctor’s and therapy appointments. Is this true?

Considerations for Back-to-Back Pregnancy, Family Leaves

My employee of five years gave birth and would like to use California Family Rights Act (CFRA) child bonding time immediately following her pregnancy...

Time Off for Crime Victims: What’s Required Depends on the Crime

An employee just informed me that they are a crime victim and need time off. What do we have to provide? Whether you must provide...

Floating Holiday Policy Determines Payout When Employment Ends

Our company offers floating holidays to employees. Do these floating holidays have to be paid out at termination? The short answer is — it depends....

Late Payment of Wages: Per Worker Penalty Escalates with 2nd Violation

Our payroll company had some issues a couple of weeks ago, and as a result we ended up paying our employees seven days after...

Exempt Employees Can Be Required to Work Specific Hours

Our company’s business hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The payroll manager, who is classified as an exempt employee,...

Tips for Navigating the Newly Released Form I-9

I know there’s a new Form I-9 to verify eligibility to work in the United States. When do I need to start using it...

Portable Toilet: Conditions for Using When Regular Facilities Offline

Our business is located in an area that can be plagued with occasional disruptions of our water supply. We can provide drinking water but...