
Options for Paying Outside Salesperson Include Hourly or Salary Basis

I usually see information about paying outside salespeople commission payments. Is it OK to pay a salary and follow the minimum salary rules for...

Smelly Smoker Can Be Cause for Discipline, But Remember Other Rights

Our employee is a smoker and comes in from breaks reeking of cigarette smoke. What can I do? Also, can I ask applicants if...

Does School Activities Leave Law Include High School Graduation?

Do I have to allow my employee to attend her grandson’s high school graduation? We approved her request 2 months ago but now we...

Workers’ Comp Doctor Not Final Say on Employee’s Condition

One of my employees has been out on a leave of absence due to a work-related injury for almost a year now. My workers’...

Caveats on Deducting from Exempt Employee’s Salary for Sick Time

An exempt employee has missed two days of work this week because she was sick, but she has used all her sick leave. Can...

How to Pay Employee Who Hasn’t Completed Tax Withholding Forms

If an employee quits after working only a day or two, and before completing a W-4 tax withholding form, can we just pay him...

Check Instructions for Electronic Reporting of 300A Injuries/Illnesses

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a mandate that employers with 20 to 249 employees must submit their Form 300A...

Use Compensation for On-Call Duty When Figuring Regular Rate of Pay

When employees are on call, we pay wages for time spent on a call, plus $100 just for being on call. Is this $100...

Steps to Follow Before Terminating Underperforming Employee

We have a short-term employee we recently moved into a new position, but he just isn’t “getting it.” His manager wants to terminate him...

How to Analyze Time Off Options for Employee at Small Company

We are a small company of 29 employees. Do we have to provide time off work for an employee to care for her daughter? The...