Cal/OSHA Corner

Proposed Changes to Confined Spaces Rule Include ‘Rescue Services’

What is the status of changes to the Cal/OSHA regulation for construction in confined spaces? A hearing has been held on proposed revisions, but the...

Lead Exposure Standard: Big Changes Take Effect January 1, 2025

What changes has Cal/OSHA made to its standard for exposure to lead in construction and other industries? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)...

How Indoor Heat Illness Rule Applies to Air Conditioned Workplace

Our indoor office is air conditioned. Does our business need to include the indoor heat illness requirements in our Injury and Illness Prevention Program...

New Fit Testing Protocols for Respiratory Protection Equipment

Is Cal/OSHA going to update fit testing procedures for respiratory protection equipment to match federal standards? Yes. On March 21, 2024, the Occupational Safety and...

Emergency Temp Rule Aims to Protect Workers Handling Artificial Stone

What is Cal/OSHA doing for workers who deal with manufactured artificial stone? On December 14, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board adopted an...

Standards Board Keeps Moving on Proposed Indoor Heat Illness Standard

What is the status of Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention standard? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will soon hear the second revision of...

Portable Toilet: Conditions for Using When Regular Facilities Offline

Our business is located in an area that can be plagued with occasional disruptions of our water supply. We can provide drinking water but...

No Mention of Appliances in Wage Orders Governing Working Conditions

An employee is complaining about not having enough room in the break room refrigerator for a lunch. Just what is the employer supposed to...

Nonwork-Related Death at Work Still Must Be Reported to Cal/OSHA

An employee died of a heart attack while at work. It was not caused by his employment. Do I have to report this to...

Standards Board Moving to Adopt Non-Emergency COVID Regulation

I hear that the Cal/OSHA Standards Board will be presenting for public comment and future adoption a final version of the Emergency Temporary Standards...