
World Trade Month: International Trade Critical to Weather Economic Downturns

After a year of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that has been hindered by a supply chain crisis, the war in Ukraine...

We’ve Reached Peak Budget

The Legislative Analyst has cried “last call” for the state budget bash. Even as the State Legislature enjoys the prospect of spending record budget surpluses,...

Environmental Law Abuse Hurts Students

If an investment in knowledge pays the best interest, California is failing to maximize its returns. On March 3, the California Supreme Court rejected the...

Revenue Windfall Provides Opportunity

California’s mighty work-from-home economic engine continues to create massive value for workers, employers and entrepreneurs — and not incidentally for the state treasury. The nonpartisan...

State Leaders Should Use Budget Surplus to Restore Tax Incentives, Repay UI Debt

Only 18 months ago, expecting a massive pandemic-induced collapse of economic activity, California finance officials predicted a staggering $54 billion state budget deficit. The...

Is Direct Democracy Under Attack in State?

Sometimes it seems that nobody likes California’s direct democracy — except the voters. Some legislators seem to resent it. During the last legislative session (and...

Regional Collaboration Key to Keeping Power Flowing Amid Drought, Heat Waves

In May, when the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) issued its annual Summer Assessment of the state’s electrical grid, I used the term “guarded...

Everybody Talks About California’s Housing Crisis, But Nobody Will Solve It

There isn’t a politician, economist, social justice advocate or journalist who hasn’t viewed with alarm the unrelenting climb in housing prices and rents, the...

Moderate Democrats Show Influence in Key Economic Recovery Policy Areas

In a democracy, it’s the votes that count. No matter what the polls say before election day, or the pundits say about the make-up...

Uncertainty Hurts R&D Investment That’s Key to State Competitiveness

California’s innovation-based economy pays economic dividends not only in our traditional technology hubs, but in every region of the state and in a wide...