Tag: Workers' Compensation

Governor Names Two Employer Reps to Workers’ Comp Commission

Two employer representatives were named by the Governor last week to the commission charged with examining the health and safety and workers’ compensation systems...

Job Killer Bills Die Early in New Legislative Year

As the new legislative year began, several job killer bills were laid to rest again following continued strong opposition from the California Chamber of...

Workers’ Comp: Pay for Follow-Up Doctor’s Appointments Not Required

My employee sustained an injury on the job a few months ago. He is claiming that we have to pay for his doctor’s and therapy appointments. Is this true?

Medical Certification Important for Workers’ Comp Claim Absences

We have an employee with an active workers’ compensation claim. We agreed with the employee that he would work a normal 40-hour-per-week schedule with...

Terminating Employee on Workers’ Comp Involves Delicate Decisions

We are a smaller employer with only 16 employees, and we have an employee who has been on workers’ compensation for more than eight...

Workers’ Comp: Ways to Protect Employee’s Health Benefits

We have an employee who has been on workers’ compensation leave for a few months. How long do we have to continue to pay...

Workers’ Comp Job Killer Proposal Fails to Move

Legislation expanding the presumption that certain diseases and injuries are caused by the workplace failed in an Assembly policy committee this week for lack...

CalChamber Releases 2022 Job Killer List

The California Chamber of Commerce this week released the first wave of bills to be included on its 2022 job killer list. The preliminary...

Absence Due to Workers’ Comp Injury May Qualify for Family Leave

I have an employee who was injured at work, and his doctor put him on leave for the next three months. The employee filed...