Tag: Unemployment Insurance

Streamlining of Work Share Program a Win-Win for Business and Workers

As the 2020 legislative season comes to a close, we can certainly say it has been a chaotic time for employers. One bright spot...

How Part-Time Return to Work Affects Employee’s UI Benefits

My employee has been on furlough and collecting unemployment insurance (UI). If I bring her back to work part time, what is the maximum...

CalChamber Releases 2020 Job Killer Bill List

The California Chamber of Commerce this week released its annual job killer list, which includes 10 bills that threaten California’s economic recovery and would...

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program Provides Benefits to Employees Who Have Symptoms or Are Ill with the Coronavirus

As a part of his roadmap to reopening the economy, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently raised the issue of a wage replacement mandate on...

Big Picture Changes to Unemployment Insurance with CARES Act

This brief summarizes unemployment benefits available in California, as updated by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed by Congress...

President Signs Bill Expanding Paid Sick/Family Leave

This week, President Donald J. Trump signed legislation that expands employee benefits and protections related to COVID-19. The additional emergency relief legislation known as the...

Just 2 Job Killer Bills Pass

Only two of the 31 job killer bills identified this year by the California Chamber of Commerce have passed the Legislature and been sent...

Critical Employment Bill Awaits Action by Governor

The Legislature has wrapped up for the year, and the onus is now on Governor Gavin Newsom to decide which bills to sign into...

Keeping Employer Concerns Before Legislators Critical in Last Week of Session

With just one week left before legislators leave Sacramento for the year, major bills having a significant impact on business remain to be voted...

Podcast Recaps Top Issues for Final Weeks of Session

The California Legislature has one final month to pass bills to the Governor before going on recess for the rest of the year. In this...