Tag: Timekeeping

Timing of Meal Breaks Can Avert Strict Liability for Violations

Our employees start work at 8 a.m. The owner of the company requires that meal breaks start at 1 p.m. While I have told...

California Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Timekeeping Rounding Case

The California Supreme Court has agreed to review a California Court of Appeal decision on a case involving timekeeping rounding policies. On February 1, the...

Rest Breaks: Ways to Prove Employees Receive Duty-Free Time

Recently, an employee complained to management that they were not receiving rest breaks. Because the breaks are paid, the employees do not clock out...

What Employers Are Asking Right Now

In Episode 117 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw discuss some...

Wage and Hour Considerations for Remote Workers

How do an employer’s pay obligations differ when an hourly/nonexempt employee is working remotely from home? It’s important to keep in mind that when having...

In California, All Time Worked Must Be Paid, Even If It’s Only Minutes

Our nonexempt employees answer texts and calls after-hours. Is this work time and how much time would we pay for a 5-minute call, for...

Biometric Timekeeping: Weigh Benefits Against Privacy Considerations

Are there any California laws or regulations that would prohibit using a biometric timekeeping system that uses a thumb print? There are definitely issues...