Tag: Reasonable Accommodation

Things to Consider When Deciding on Disability Leave Extension

We have an employee who has been out on disability for almost a year, but we can’t let him go because he’s on disability....

Vaccine Mandates May Clash with Civil Rights Laws

This week, Los Angeles began enforcing its ordinance requiring certain businesses to request proof of vaccination from customers. San Francisco implemented a similar ordinance...

Stories from the Labor Law Helpline

In Episode 137 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber HR Adviser Ellen Savage discuss unique workplace issues that...

Interactive Process Key to Accommodating Employee with Disability

We have a new hire who, after being hired, disclosed a physical disability. She indicated that we need to accommodate her, and I have...

Many Factors to Consider When Employee Asks for More Leave Time

Our employee has used up all of her federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, but called today to request an extension of...

California Fair Employment Department Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance

On March 4, 2021, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) updated its COVID-19 guidance, addressing several vaccination-related questions. The updated guidance...

Reasonable Accommodations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How have the interactive process and reasonable accommodations for disabilities changed due to COVID-19? As COVID-19 changes the employment law landscape, government agencies continue to...

Allergy Claim Triggers Need for Interactive Evaluation of Options

We have an employee who is claiming she’s allergic to various things in the office, but quite honestly, she has been trying to work...

Medical Proof of Disability Needed to Start Accommodation Process

One of my employees who has been with the company for a few years (and who was about to get written up for failing...

Accommodating Pregnant Employees in Potentially Risky Work Spaces

We have a pregnant employee working in the plant where there are a lot of chemical exposures. Her doctor has not restricted or limited...