How Indoor Heat Illness Rule Applies to Air Conditioned Workplace

Our indoor office is air conditioned. Does our business need to include the indoor heat illness requirements in our Injury and Illness Prevention Program...

Governor Rejects Unlimited Access to Employer Documents

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has vetoed a bill that would have allowed organizations unaffiliated with the employer to access an undefined and potentially...

CalChamber Fighting Unlimited Access to Employer Documents

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that allows organizations unaffiliated with the employer to access an undefined and potentially unlimited scope of employer internal...

New Rule Targets Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care

The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has developed a regulation addressing workplace violence protection in health care. I am the HR director...

CalChamber Identifies New Job Killer Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified a 24th job killer bill that exposes employers to excessive, costly litigation. AB 2895 (R. Hernández; D-West Covina)...

Senate to Consider Unnecessary Mandate

The Senate will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that imposes new unnecessary and burdensome duties on employers related to the employer’s written...