Tag: Harassment

Political Speech at Work: How to Manage While Protecting Rights

As a small business owner, I’ve noticed an increase in political discussions in my workplace. Some employees are getting into heated debates, affecting productivity...

Employment-Related Job Killers Move to Assembly Fiscal Committee

The Assembly Judiciary Committee this week sent to the fiscal committee two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills dealing with employment-related matters. One...

Opposition Stops Job Killer; 5 Bills Pass to Second House

A wage statement penalty bill opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce as a job killer was stopped in the Assembly last week. June 1...

CalChamber Urging Fiscal Committees to Keep Job Killer Bills on Hold

The California Chamber of Commerce is asking legislative fiscal committees to stop a number of job killer bills from moving on in the legislative...

Senate Policy Committee Moves Along Job Killer Bills Over Employer Objections

Despite employer objections, the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee this week passed two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills. One deals with...

Retaliation Charges Again Top Agency List of Workplace Discrimination Claims

Retaliation was once again the workplace discrimination claim filed most often, according to breakdowns for fiscal year 2016 recently released by the federal Equal...

Live Webinar on Avoiding Discrimination / Harassment in Workplace

Retaliation, disability and sex discrimination/harassment comprised more than half of the 65,388 employment complaints filed in California in 2014, according to the California Department...