On February 18, the California Chamber of Commerce submitted comments in response to the California Privacy Protection Agency’s (CPPA) request for public input on...
Six days after the California Chamber of Commerce identified the job killer provisions of a workplace technology bill, the author pulled the proposal from...
On November 24, 2021, Chinese technology giant Alibaba notified Apache Software Foundation of a flaw in its log4j software that has existed for years....
Legislation opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce as an overbroad state mandate requiring contractors with state agencies to obtain cyber insurance failed to...
As businesses rely more on technology and people begin adapting to the new work-from-home reality—in which work-related information is transmitted online and through mobile...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently warned payroll and human resources professionals of a dangerous Form W-2...
California Chamber of Commerce members now have access to cyber compliance tools and insurance programs to help mitigate and minimize the devastating effects of...