Tag: Climate Change

Air Board’s Plan to Raise Fees Threatens Our Economy and Climate Goals

California produces just 1% of atmospheric carbon emissions, yet global leaders and activists care about California regulations. Why is this? It’s the same reason that...

A Chance for California to Lead Us Back from the Brink on Frivolous Climate Suits

A little over a year ago, the city and county of Santa Cruz filed suit against several energy companies seeking money for property damage allegedly linked to climate change.

Why a Regional Power Grid Brings Energy Security to Businesses/Consumers

Reliable energy infrastructure is a hallmark of a modern world, and affordable power is vital for economic development and social cohesion. Ensuring that electricity...

Senate Committee OKs First Step Toward Reliable Regional Energy Grid

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will promote energy efficiency and grid reliability won approval from a Senate policy committee this week. AB 813...

Governor: State Will Persist in Leading Way for Nation

The need for perseverance was a recurring theme this week when Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. delivered his 16th and final report on the...

Governor Signs Cap-and-Trade Extension

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week signed legislation extending the cap-and-trade program and providing the least costly path to achieving the state’s ambitious...

CalChamber Backs Cap-and-Trade Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce this week announced its support of legislation that will help maintain a healthy economy and provide the least costly...

CalChamber Appeals Court Decision Upholding Cap-and-Trade Revenues

The California Chamber of Commerce this week petitioned the California Supreme Court to review the split decision by the 3rd District Court of Appeal...

CalChamber Outlines Best Way to Meet California Emissions Reduction Goal

An economy-wide cap-and-trade system will be the least costly and least disruptive approach to meeting the state’s ambitious emissions reduction goal, the California Chamber...

Split Appeals Court Decision Upholds Cap-and-Trade Revenues

In a 2-1 ruling, the 3rd District Court of Appeal has upheld the state’s practice of auctioning greenhouse gas (GHG) emission allowances to raise...