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Panelists Offer Thoughts on Upcoming Asia-Pacific Leaders Summit

Representatives from three of the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) described for a California Chamber of Commerce audience on September...

Congresswoman Katie Porter Meets with CalChamber Board

Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-Irvine), elected in 2018 to represent the Orange County-centered 47th Congressional District, appears at the CalChamber Board of Directors meeting on...

Bill Exposes Employers to Costly Labor Litigation

A California Chamber of Commerce-led coalition is strongly opposing a job killer bill that expands employer exposure to lawsuits for adverse employment decisions. AB 524...

Emissions Tracking Mandate Will Increase Business, Consumer Costs

The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad coalition of organizations are urging legislators to reject an onerous emissions tracking and paperwork requirement that...

Portable Toilet: Conditions for Using When Regular Facilities Offline

Our business is located in an area that can be plagued with occasional disruptions of our water supply. We can provide drinking water but...

Coalition Opposes Air District Proposal to Cap Cargo at LA, Long Beach Ports

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is considering a detrimental rule that would limit the import and export of goods from the...

Recent NLRB Ruling Affects Workplace Rules, Employee Handbooks

In Episode 183 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law experts Matthew Roberts and James Ward discuss the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling...

CalChamber Tags UI Bill SB 799 as a Job Killer

The California Chamber of Commerce has tagged SB 799 (Portantino; D-Burbank) as a job killer, citing the proposal’s requirement for employers to subsidize striking...

CalChamber Opposes Ill-Advised Bill Changing Referendum Question

The California Chamber of Commerce continues to oppose legislation proposing to alter how referendums on state laws are presented to voters. The bill, AB 421...

Medical Certification Important for Workers’ Comp Claim Absences

We have an employee with an active workers’ compensation claim. We agreed with the employee that he would work a normal 40-hour-per-week schedule with...