With no immediate end to California’s millennial drought in sight, regulators and legislators continued steps this month aimed at managing the limited water supply.
A job killer bill that could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers, if enacted, passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this week.
An annual meeting between the California Chamber of Commerce and Japan business leaders highlighted California’s continuing interdependence with one of its largest export partners.
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that denies employers the basic choice of whom to hire passed the Senate Labor and Industrial...
The California Chamber of Commerce today commended the U.S. Senate for passing Trade Promotion Authority.
The measure renews the authority for the President and/or U.S....
The U.S. House of Representatives this week agreed with the California Chamber of Commerce, voting 218-208 to renew the authority of the President and/or...
A recently amended job killer bill, SCA 5 (Hancock; D-Berkeley)/Mitchell; D-Los Angeles), now seeks to undermine the protections of Proposition 13 by unfairly targeting...
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that expedites and reduces costs for roadway repair and maintenance projects passed the Senate Environmental Quality...