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CalChamber Urges Congress to Craft, Pass Comprehensive Drought Legislation

The California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of Western farmers, ranchers and businesses, as well as urban, suburban and rural residents, are urging...

California Launches Campaign to Educate Individuals About Earned Income Tax Credit

A coalition of California leaders—including community, faith, civic, labor and business leaders—this week launched CalEITC4me, a statewide campaign to ensure the first-ever California Earned...

Electronic Delivery of Paystubs Allowable Under Specified Conditions

I would like to issue employee paystubs electronically. Is there any legal requirement that employees must receive them in hard copy on paper? Do...

Workshops to Explain How to Apply for California Competes Tax Credit

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is conducting free workshops across the state to explain how businesses apply for the California...

8 CalChamber Members Creating Jobs with Help from Tax Credit

Eight California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) as recipients for the...

Affordable Care Act: CalChamber-Hosted Webinar Recording Available

Beginning in 2016, employers subject to the mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) must comply with reporting requirements concerning the health insurance coverage...

Californians Keep Cumulative Water Savings Above 25% Mandate

Californians have reduced water use by 27.1% since emergency conservation rules took effect in June, according to state officials. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. mandated...

CalChamber Attends Annual National Export Council Forum

Susanne T. Stirling, California Chamber of Commerce vice president of international affairs, joined colleagues from across the country at the recent meeting of the...

CalChamber-Endorsed Plan to Close Workforce Gap Gets Unanimous Approval

The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges this week unanimously approved recommendations of a special task force on how to strengthen workforce...

Court Accepts CalChamber Brief Supporting Vergara Education Case

A friend-of-the-court brief filed by the California Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations supporting the landmark decision in Vergara v. California has been...